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Anne-Marie Voorhoeve

Strategist, social alchemist, social
architect, cocreator and expert
in facilitating Mesh-working 

Anne-Marie is focused on an integral transformation of society into a sustainable world. She has international experience with communities, businesses, networks, organizations, technology providers, politicians and NGOs. Anne-Marie is also the chief creative director for the Club of Budapest (COB) and president of COB Netherlands. She is a core team member of Integral City Meshworks Ltd and a certified expert in Spiral Dynamics, Art of Hosting and SQ21 spiritual intelligence. She enjoys designing and supporting complex multi-stakeholder projects that commit to meaningful and

ambitious goals. 


Kara Stonehouse

Meshworker, graphic and strategic visual facilitator

Kara is a meshworker and graphic facilitator with THC. She has 10 years of experience speaking, facilitating and graphic recording for high level government, academic and non-profit clients around the world. Kara was lead facilitator of the Ottawa Energy Collective Impact project from 2016-2019 combining her design thinking and sustainability leadership expertise to create meaningful collaboration on carbon dioxide reductions. Kara has a spiritual gift of being a ‘clear channel’, helping others learn to listen from source, sing their true voice in the cosmic symphony, and create a world where humanity is at home on Earth. 


Helia Mona Rabie

Social alchemist, social architect, 

global movement catalyst and 

Peace activist

Helia is passionate about supporting individuals and communities to reach their higher purpose and find common ground to co-create a thriving future. For years she built expertise in designing simulation strategies for companies and NGO's in over 40 countries. Currently she is seeding the Together Life Movement and pioneering Together's platform for planetary cocreation. Helia has worked with communities in post-revolutionary Egypt to unify their voices into stronger networks for change. 


Pieter Wackers

Filmmaker, visual artist, urban

social designer and Eco-Intention practicioner

Trained as a visual artist focusing on public space, Pieter often works in the area where art, design, and urbanism meet. One of his main interests is the future of cities, or the cities of the future. With team Innergy he won the architecture competition ‘Energetic City 2050’ with a design for the city of Arnhem in the year 2050. Currently, Pieter is a member of the core teams of WeWorldwide and Integral City, as well as a member of the international Projects Office of the Club of Budapest. He is studying to become an ECOintention practitioner.


Anita Floris

Trainer, cross cultural

community builder, facilitator

and coach

Anita is a Zen monk which is an integral part of her work. She offers support to individuals, groups and organizations to evolve their practice in balancing shadow work, with intuition, rational insight, physical skill and interpersonal relations and transformation. For years Anita has worked in child protection and with minority groups like asylum seekers. ‘Awakening’ and ‘maturing’ are the main driving forces in her life.

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Diana Claire Douglas

Systemic facilitator, coach, founder of the Knowing Field Designs, author and consultant

Diana is the lead facilitator of Systemic Constellation Work (for individuals, families, organizations, the collective) on the international core teams of THC and Integral City. She loves researching and is the lead on the “Imagination Project,” the “Conscious Witness Project” and “Humanity Finding its Rightful Place in the Flow of Life.” Her work in the constellation field is published in The Knowing Field International Journal, the Integral Leadership Review, and included as chapters in several books. Her own book, Constellating for the Collective, is forthcoming.

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Adrian Iacobus

Transformative business consultant, coach and innovator

Adrian consults with C-suite executives of large, complex organizations in private and public sectors in Romania, Europe and North America. He guides leaders to rearrange policies to shift to an integral, wholistic approach and to realize behavourial shifts while being sensitive to different generations, learning styles and world views. Adrian is skilled in a wide array of methodologies such as Integral Coaching, Teal for Business, Organizational Agility, Meshworking and Spiral Dynamics and Leaderless Networks. He also catalyzes co-creative multi-stakeholder processes for social causes such as funds for children with cancer, using Systemic Constellation and Holarchy tools.


Aansan Yeh

Energetic architect, healing and expressive artist, cocreation facilitator

Aansan is a healing arts innovator and energetic architect dedicated to restoring harmony for individuals, teams, organizations and nature’s bio-fields through various methodologies. She feels a deep love for global transformation through her initiative called Alcyone, the sacred (visual) arts & creative self expression. Aansan has experience as a whole systems innovator and as a (cross-cultural) community builder in Mexico and Egypt. Through the Together Game and with Ma3ba3d, she has been pioneering and facilitating the design of a game-changing platform, events and tools for co-creation. She is amongst others trained in Art of Hosting and Life Alignment.



Natascha van den Ban

Carekeeper of Earth, Systems Thinker, Coach and Educator

With passion Natascha deploys herself  as a garden- and landscape architect with years of rich experience. She designs healthy public spaces for humans, plants and animals with a realistic look and a positive attitude. Natascha advises, designs, teaches, supervises and performs the artistic construction. She pays special attention to  innovative developments in the field of biodiversity and the healing environment. Natasha is committed to co-create with the Earth and is certified as a Healing Touch and practicioner and teacher of the Center of ECOintention. 


Marianne de Jager

Business development consultant,

social architect, organizational coach

Marianne earned her credits as a client executive in an international working environment. She is an experienced facilitator, focusing on transformation and innovative ways of working in organisations and society enabling higher levels of consciousness. She is a business consultant, inspirator, social architect and coach. She is inspired by great evolutionary and integral thinkers and loves practical applications of their work in business and life. Embodying unity in thinking and acting are an intrinsic part of her work as well as energetic practices in support and guidance of life- and ecosystems.


Anna Freedman

Educator, Design Thinker,
Facilitator & Coach

Anna works with children, young people and adults to nurture and facilitate the natural unfolding and expansion of human potential.  As educator, author, coach and practitioner of design thinking, developmental psychology, forest school and natural food and health, her work applies ancient wisdoms to transform healing, learning and living. Using her Design Thinking approach she cultivates relational spaces for students, educators and teams to innovate solutions harnessing creativity and collaboration, play and embodied learning. She has engaged many audiences to expand wellbeing through Wholefood Harmony, her natural food and health cookery school. Anna is committed to developing humanity and our planet.


Haseena Patel

Healing breakthrough coach, author, international speaker, Akashic Records reader, and certified Deeptime Leader

Haseena is the author of The Truth-Walker’s Journey:  The Un-Becoming of Who You Are Not. She hosts and facilitates Truth-Walker workshops for individuals, teams and organisations globally, fostering consciousness, peace-building and unity. As a healing breakthrough coach, she helps individuals to heal themselves to their next evolutionary level.

Haseena is co-founder of Leave No Girl Behind International, a non-profit focused on developing the next generation of leaders.  She is also co-creator of the Bubbles Beyond Borders global campaign to support the dreams of girls and women.  Her passion is contributing towards creating a world where every BE-ing can live out their Divine truth in, with and from freedom. 

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