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THC.FI Constellation Series Messages from Earth and Cosmos.png


Tuesdays 1-4pm EDT / 7-10pm CET

on Zoom

May 13: Messages for Humanity

May 20:  Humanity + AI in service of Evolution

May 27:  Debrief and meaning-making

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1. RSVP : click button above

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EUR 75

for any 1 session

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EUR 200

for all three sessions

EUR 150

for any two sessions

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Canadian participants are invited to pay by e-transfer to

CAD 200 for the series or 75 each for individual sessions

Messages for Humanity from Earth and Cosmos

While the old world is crumbling and the new world is being co-created, Humanity is at a choice point. Will we continue living in separation, believing we are the ones in control, or will we awaken to our interbeing with All Life?

Our invitation is: let’s pause together! Using the deep and powerful process of Constellating for the Collective, let’s listen deeply to and receive messages from the Earth and Cosmos.

During Sessions 1 and 2 we will bring into the Knowing Field questions for our inquiry into the Knowing Field.”

SESSION 1: As the Forces of Creation and Destruction “play” with us, what messages do Earth and Cosmos have for Humanity right now?

SESSION 2: What do the Earth and Cosmos want us to know about Humanity and AI’s relationship(s) in service of the Evolutionary impulse?

SESSION 3: Let’s make meaning together: We will bring to consciousness our personal and collective insights from the messages received during the first two sessions. We will also acknowledge next steps and possible actions for us to take individually and as humanity.


Outcomes by participating

  • learning through experience about collective constellations

  • expand your awareness beyond the five senses

  • deepen your connection to the interconnectedness of all life

  • gain insights into your role within the larger system of Earth and Cosmos

  • align more deeply with the evolutionary purpose of humanity

  • gain clarity on humanity's evolving relationship with AI, and how we may navigate this time in service of the greater good.

  • join a community of like-minded explorers, united in a shared vision to create a flourishing future for humanity and the planet.

Your Guides

Diana Claire Douglas.jpg


Diana Claire Douglas is co-founder of the Hague Center for Field Inquiry and lead Systemic facilitator at THC.  She is author of Whole Systems Design: Inquiries into the Knowing Field sharing her deep expertise and contribution to the Constellating for the Collective community.


This is a rare and wonderful opportunity to work directly with Diana Claire, a masterful and seasoned constellator.



Alicia Stammer, facilitator, business consultant, executive coach, and energy healer, specializes in change leadership and guiding transformative processes that create lasting impact.  She recently became a member of the core team at The Hague Center, sharing her love for innovative approaches that leverage creativity, intuition, and emergence. She thrives on guiding groups toward those pivotal “ah-hah” moments where a group or collective intelligence comes to life, empowering aligned and meaningful action.

The power of love in action: Something happens in the hearts and souls of participants of Constellating for the Collective when we work together in service of a larger purpose for coherence and health of the Whole.

Diana Claire Douglas

About The Hague Center for Field Inquiry

What if we approached the complexity of the world’s challenges with humble hearts and minds? What if we let ourselves explore, starting from a place of unknowing and curiosity? There are some questions that cannot be answered from our mind's intelligence, and those are some of the most essential and urgent questions of our lives and the world. At THC.FI we ask these big questions in the sacred container of the Knowing Field.

We call our work at the collective level Constellating for the Collective. It is an experiential and embodied approach to explore questions and issues from a systemic perspective. We facilitate in-person, online, and hybrid Constellations.

Check out our new webpage -



A huge thank you for bringing me and the energy into todays constellation, wow, what a powerful experience. You handled us all with such beauty and dignity, thank you.                         

Sue Cooper, participant; co-director of the Feast for the Soul, a 40 day worldwide spiritual practice intensive


First of all, I want to thank you for facilitating this enquiry with such skill and magic. It was such a profound event. It started to shift and change old belief systems in my whole being and also around me. I feel equipped to make changes as it was so clear to see that it is the individual not humanity per se who can initiate change. I feel so positive and clear rather than overwhelmed after this event and intend to become involved in building the new…

Esther Mason, Constellator and Representatives in many Constellating for the Collective events




'Whole Systems Design: Inquiries in the Knowing Field',

by Diana Claire Douglas, 2022

Within Canada purchase the book from Friesen Press

Outside of Canada purchase through Amazon

search for whole systems design diana claire douglas

Download Chapter 16 on the impacts of Constellating for the Collective.

If you are interested in joining us in Deep Inquiry

To learn more about the phenomenological approach through Systemic Constellation

To contact Diana Claire or Anne-Marie please email:

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