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Deep and Rapid Transformation Convergence

Transformation Through Unity.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is calling nations to up-level commitments and actions to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. He proclaimed we need ‘deep and rapid transformation’ and called the Summit of the Future at the UN for Sept 22-23, 2024

The SDG thought leader circle of the Evolutionary Leaders community have taken up this charge, offering our robust recommondations of how to implement deep and rapid transformation using the power of a unitive narrative.


A series of roundtables have been organized with leading conscious and transformative thinkers and feelers, to come up with recommendations and strategies to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.



Pillars for the Roundtables and Convergence are related to the dimensions of change that will be covered in the Summit of the Future.  For each dimension we have convened and hosted 3 round tables. more than 150 influential people have been engaged in this process.

1. Sustainable development and financing for development

2. International peace and security

3. Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation

4. Youth and future generations

5. Economic Architecture

6. Transforming global governance

7. Impact Networks

THC plays a pivotal role in the project implementation. Anne-Marie Voorhoeve is on the core team.  Kara Stonehouse is co-facilitating dimension 1 and coordinating dimension 6, and graphic facilitating at the live event in September. Haseena Patel is coordinating dimension 2, Pieter Waackers is coodinating dimension 4, Anne-Marie Voorhoeve is co-facilitating dimension 6.   Haseena Patel is coordinating dimension 2. Diana-Claire Douglas is supporting with systemic constellation offerings.

This process will culminate with a Deep and Rapid Transformation Convergence in New York September 19th, in preparation for the Summit of the Future.   After the summit, we intend to continue to implement the strategies and build on the connections we have nurtured.  Excellent outcomes are already emerging.

We are honoured that Anne-Marie has been chosen as a Global Society Delegate to present THC's insights on behalf of humanity at the United Nations General Assembly 79 and at the Summit of the Future.


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This work is not funded by grants or clients.  We would love and appreciate your donations to ensure our full vision can be realized with integrity and flow, meeting our goal of raising 10,000 Euros to contribute to this project. 

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