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The power of love in action: Something happens in the hearts and souls of participants of Constellating for the Collective when we work together in service of a larger purpose for coherence and health of the Whole.



The theme for this Deep Inquiry Project is:


What role can and does the Conscious Witness play in shifting conflictual patterns towards healing and thus transforming humanity’s perception of Life?

Since 2016, a team from THC has been exploring the Conscious Witness through different modes of inquiry.


We set the intention as:

1) to become aware of the impact ofwitnessing, whether in a small circle of participants in a workshop, or during local, national, or global events; and

2) to encourage the development of the Conscious
Witness as a necessary aspect of societal transformation—moving from social action (polarized) to sacred activism (beyond polarization).


The researchers are:

Diana Claire Douglas (Constellator and THC.FI lead), Rosalba Stocco (Constellator in Stage 1); Peter Stefanyi (trained Quantum Physicist and Coach); and Judy Wilkins-Smith (Constellator); Jude Currivan, Cosmologist. We are supported by THC’s core team and a number of engaged participants who are representatives in the Constellations.

There have been several stages in this Inquiry:
a. Exploring the different kinds of witnesses — who they are, how many there are, what their developmental pathway is, what their impact is.


b. Peter did quantum-like experiments to test underlying assumptions about the quantum theory that the observer affects what is observed.

c. Judy, Diana Claire and Peter explored the question “What is the relationship between the Knowing Field and the Quantum Field?” using the phenomenological approach of Systemic Constellation Work as the methodology. Peter then applied his quantum perspective in harvesting the results.

d. Exploring the emergence of Witnesses who seem to be in more expanded states of consciousness than the Conscious Witness.

e. Including the role of a Conscious Witness in each session in a series of constellations with the Whole-World View (on Activism to Sacred Activism, Unitive Justice, Unitive Economics). Jude Currivan was the Conscious Witness.

Are you interested in joining this ongoing evolving inquiry? THC.FI is open to engaging with other partners in exploring this important topic.

Email Diana Claire :

Humanity's Place in the Order of Life and Love

Presently in the design phase of this research project, we are exploring the Overarching Theme, 

“What will it take for Humanity to be in its rightful place in the flow of love and life?”


We see this as one of the most important questions of our time.
Many Indigenous Peoples around the world tell stories about human beings being the youngest members of the earthly family. What if many of our present crises are because we are not in our right place and therefore cannot be in right relationship?

Phenomenological research using the Systemic Constellation Work process has shown that when we are out of the natural orders of Life—place, belonging, rank, and balance of give and take—Life cannot flow smoothly.

What will it take for Humanity to come into our rightful place, and to know that we belong to the Earth not as dominators but as lovers of the Earth and all her beings?

In almost all Constellations we facilitate, no matter the topic, Humanity is invited into the Knowing Field. We have been watching the slow emergence of Humanity from being outside the Field to turning towards the Field and occasionally interacting with others.

Are you interested in joining this ongoing evolving inquiry? THC.FI is open to engaging with partners in exploring this important topic.   


Email Diana Claire Douglas at


Innovations in the Process of Constellating for the Collective

Presently in the design phase of this research project, we are exploring the Overarching Theme, 

“What will it take for Humanity to be in its rightful place in the flow of love and life?”


In 2023 (and continuing) THC.FI was invited to partner with Jude Currivan and Rhodri Samuel of Whole-World View to do a series of constellations to explore “Activism to Sacred Activism” and the application of the Unitive Narrative to Justice and Economics.
One of the exciting innovations over 8 constellations has been the development of the clock diagram to include elemental and astrological archetypes. To facilitate Constellations online (with participants in many locations), each participant places a simple clock diagram on the floor of their space, symbolizing the (space and time of) Knowing Field so everyone is thus on the same map and in this way, we build the Field. Originally just numbers were used to form the clock. With this new innovation, we added Earth, Fire, Water, Air (elementals) and Sol, Luna, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, Uranus and North Node. As Jude Currivan commented: “By inviting in and consciously incorporating these, we were able to attune and align with the evolutionary impulse and flow more coherently and profoundly; essentially inviting the Field itself, on a continuing journey of exploration, to expand with us, and us to expand with the Field.”


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